Become a Referee
OYSA’s Commitment
Oregon Youth Soccer Association is committed to fostering an educational environment to allow referees at all levels develop.
Consistent and constant referee education is a key priority in OYSA’s mission. We rely on a statewide team of instructors, mentors and coaches to share their knowledge and experiences.

The Details
Courses for Beginners
The introductory course offered: the Grassroots Referee Course. The Grassroots course is the starting point for new referees of all ages (subject to the minimum age restrictions defined below).
Referee Traits and Skills
Patience, optimism, and a comfort with people, are extremely handy traits for a referee. In addition, physical fitness, familiarity with the game (being a former player is beneficial but not necessary), knowledge of the Laws of the Game, and the ability to interpret and apply those Laws, are essential. A degree of physical and mental maturity to handle the job is also needed.
Minimum Age Requirement
We absolutely hate turning away interested candidates, however, U.S. Soccer has set the minimum age requirement to 13 years old due to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), which restricts websites from tracking data on children under 13. US Soccer uses its online Digital Learning Center to train and register referees, so referees must be a minimum age of 13.
Scheduling and Compensation
One of the best things about being a referee is the flexibility. Referees are independent contractors and set their own schedules! Once you complete your entry-level training course, you will choose which organizations you want to work for and coordinate with an Assignor to create a schedule that is right for you. Your Assignor(s) can help guide you towards games that are appropriate for your skill level, and work with you to get you as many (or as few) games as you want.
Another great perk of being a soccer official is the pay! Rates vary by league, but averages for starting out may be as much as $30 an hour. Once you gain some experience, you can take on take on more demanding assignments – and with that comes even higher rates of pay.
Course Opportunities
The Oregon Soccer Referee Organization offers entry-level referee courses year round, all over the state. If you do not currently see a convenient course option, check back frequently as new training opportunities are added regularly.
Good luck!